Cracked Screen TV Repair | eTV Repair Blog | Damaged TV Screens
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Cracked Screen TV Repair
Read Our Blog Part 1 & 2
Cracked Screen TV Repair
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► A Cracked Screen TV Is NOT Repairable 🥺
A Cracked Screen TV Is NOT Repairable 🥺
Damaged Screens ▲ Listen Here
If Your TV has a crack, chips, punctures, a spider web or shattered appearance, or has been exposure to liquids ► The TV will NOT be repairable economically. It's less expensive to buy a new TV. We never attempt to fix a damaged screen. However, You May Qualify For a New TV For Free! Read Part 1 and 2 of our posted Blog below.
► Do You Qualify For A New TV For Free ?
Read Part 1 and Part II of the Blog Post below.
How To Qualify For A Free New TV
Read Part 1 and Part II of the Blog Post below.
Cracked Screen TV Repair
Damaged TV Panels
Thank you for stopping by our website.
We hope you find the information we have provided here-in informative and helpful.
We're going to cover a few topics we believe will help you better understand what happens when a TV Screen becomes physically damaged. The information here could save you some time as well as some hard earned dollars. Knowledge is power so read on.
This article covers the inside story about damaged tv screens, namely cracked screen tv repair issues, what constitutes a damaged screen and more. The answers you want to know are here, as in "Is my TV going to be repairable".
Can a Damaged TV Screen Be Replaced For Free With a New TV? Yes! There Is a Way.
We will discuss some tips on how to buy a new TV. Most people do not know how.
Many people that contact us want to know who makes the best television. When you've been fixing TVs as long as we have, needless to say, we have an opinion. An opinion based on facts and years of experience.
Last but not least, we will discuss what it's going to take to get your TV going again should you decide to have it serviced (assuming it does not have a physically damaged screen), and what you should know and expect with regards to moving forward with a repair.
Let's Get Started. First Up | Damaged TV Screens.
So one of the kids threw the remote control across the room and hit the TV screen, or maybe you were adjusting a few things on the countertop and you bumped the TV and it fell to the floor and cracked the TV screen. Or you simply attempted to move the TV from one room to another and now when you turn it on there is no picture. The screen now looks shattered or has a spider web appearance? We've heard it all.
When a television screen has a crack, a chip, a spider webbing visual appearance, a shattered appearance, vertical lines from the top to the bottom, or has been exposed to liquids... You now own a damaged screen. Also known as a damaged TV panel.
When what we just described above happens the TV will NOT be repairable. Never under any circumstances. It is always less expensive to buy a brand new TV then it is to attempt to replace an entire screen/panel.
We Never Attempt To Repair TV Screens And Neither Does Anyone Else.
A reputable TV repair company should explain this to you and never advise you that they can repair a damaged TV screen. Any TV repair technician whom tells you that the damaged screen of your TV is repairable is not being forth right. Their most likely looking to set up a paid service call to come to you, at which point upon arrival and inspection they will advise you that the TV is not repairable. Unfortunately you would be paying for a service call only to find out the TV cannot be fixed economically. It's less money to buy a new TV.
Televisions Do Not Like To Be Physically Moved. Don't Move Your TV If You Can Help It.
Moving a TV is the number one reason why they break. It's very easy to "FLEX a TV Panel", especially the televisions that are being built by today's manufacturing process and those TV's built over the last four years. Broken screens are the number one call we receive every single day.
If your TV screen is damaged, you should dispose of it properly and buy a new television. Don't bother to call a TV Repair company.
*However, there is a possibility you are in luck, and could be eligible for a Brand New TV (a complete replacement for free).
Read ►► Part 2 Blog
Find Out If You Are One Of The Lucky One's
(scroll up).
Qualify For A New TV (Free) !
Here's the part that most TV Repair companies would not tell you. When you read the information below, we think you will be smiling!
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If your TV has a damaged screen, (OR) if the TV is simply not functioning properly for what ever reason... Your TV could be replaced with a new TV For Free, or Repaired For Free "If both of the following have occurred" | Read On ▼
IF Your TV is "Under Two Years Old" and IF you used a Credit Card to purchase the TV - You could be in luck!
Repeating what we just advised you above.
(1) The TV Must Be Under "Two Years Old".
(2) You Used a "Credit Card" For The Original Purchase.
* Your credit card company will either replace the TV entirely, or pay for the entire repair if your credit card qualified. Most credit cards provide this feature as in AMX, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.
There is one caveat. You would not qualify if you used a Best Buy credit card, a Target credit card or a WalMart credit card to purchase the TV. These companies do NOT honor damaged TV screen replacement when you use their credit cards. So, never buy a TV using one of their credit cards. Always use your proprietary AMX, Discover, MasterCard or Visa anywhere you buy a TV.
Never ever buy a TV or any home entertainment equipment using Cash, a Check or a Debit Card. None of these three payment methods will qualify you for a Replacement TV or a Free TV Repair.
*Always use a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or a Discover Credit Card Instead of Cash, Check or Debit.
Important! Call your credit card company in advance of shopping for a new TV. Find out if your credit card has a program that extends the warranty on the TV for an additional one year beyond the TV manufacturer's warranty. If qualified, your credit card will cover your TV for the first "Two Years" of ownership !
Most major credit card companies are offering an additional one year of warranty coverage when you use their card. Before you shop anywhere, find out if your credit card qualifies. Call. If so use that card (once again, never pay by cash check or debit card).
On a side note, Samsung, Sony, Vizio, LG, Panasonic, Phillips, Mitsubishi, insignia and all the rest only provide a one-year standard warranty and it NEVER covers physical damage to a screen. No TV manufacturer ever covers the physical damage of a screen, so don't bother to call them.
Only a Credit Card will cover physical damage, and it does so for an additional one year beyond the original manufacturers one year standard warranty.
Before you get in your car, or go online to Costco, Best Buy or wherever, get on the telephone! Call your credit card company. Find out if your credit card qualifies you for the extra year of warranty and if it covers physical screen damage, as in a Cracked TV Screen. Most of credit card companies are offering this feature. You will be covered for any resulting physical damage for the first two years. Got Kids? You need to do this!
Buy Smart | Protect Your Investment.
If your credit card qualifies, then go out and buy a new TV. Write down the make, the model number, notate the size of the screen, serial number, how much you paid for the TV, the date you bought it and where you bought it. Make an extra copy of the credit card statement. Put this information in an envelope and save it. You're most likely going to need it. Read On.
Never Ever Throw Away The Box Your TV Came In.
And Now The Skinny.
Why you should be so diligent to use the right credit card and to write everything down. Why you should save the original box. The answer is easy, you're going to need both.
All new TVs are made in either China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan or South East Asia.
We have a name for all new TVs and it doesn't matter who makes it. All TVs made today or in the last three-four years are "Chinese Disposable Junk".
Don't Laugh!
It doesn't matter who makes the TV your going to buy (Or) If it's three-four years old, you are buying or bought a Disposable Piece Of Chinese Junk. 🙉 🙈 🙊
TV's usually break between a year and three months to a year and eight months like clockwork, right when you're out of warranty. We hear it all day long. this is why you need the extended warranty from a credit card that gives you the extra year beyond the manufacturer's warranty.
Fact. The older a television is the better it is built, and the heavier the TV is the better it's built. When you see one of those Samsung, Sony or Mitsubishi TV's with the big deep backs on wheels, you should be jealous! These TV's are some of the best TV's ever made. A generation gone by unfortunately.
It doesn't matter if it's an OLED, QLED, 4K, HD, Curved Screen or a Smart TV... If it's made in the last three-four years, you bought junk. Disposable Chinese Junk!
Don't Worry! We fix them everyday except for cracked/damaged screens.
Hot Tip:
For the folks that are buying large screen TVs as in 65 to 100 inch screens.
If you are mounting the TV on a wall, keep in mind they can generally run a little warmer depending on how close they are to the actual wall. It could require more effort to get it down when and if it has an issue. It will eventually.
Do Yourself A Favor!
Power your TV with a UPS. What is a UPS? It stands for an "Un-Interruptible Power Supply". A UPS is worth every penny in the long run.
So what does a UPS do?
No1: It can keep your TV on for up to three hours even when the power in your area goes off.
No2: It's a "Regulated Power Supply" that keeps the TV at a clean 120 Volts regardless of what your power outlet may be providing.
No3: A UPS has super steroid surge protection.
Doing means you just bought yourself your own "Department of Water And Power" for your television.
Where can you buy a UPS? We like the one that Amazon sells made by a company called Tripp-Lite. Check out the model 1500. It has ten power outlets on the back. You could plug in your TV, your Internet Router, your TIVO, you’re Apple TV, Sound Bar and other accessories and know that they are totally protected from power issues.
Power issues in your area can kill your TV. A simple surge protector is not going to cut it. Put your TV on a UPS! You'll be glad you did. It's a lot less expensive than buying a new television or paying for an expensive repair.
So who makes the best TV?
The answer is NOBODY. They All Break. Don't fall in love with your new toy. Buy something that meets your budget and use the right Credit Card.
Protect your purchase, call your credit card company, never pay cash check or debit, use a credit card, document your purchase, save the box you're going to need it, and wait for your new toy to break.
When and if it breaks, call us. The credit card company will require a written confirmation from a TV repair company stating that the repair cost for repair or the fact that the TV is not repairable and requires replacement.
For further warranty protection, buy an extended warranty that is offered to you beyond the two years that a credit card would cover, as in the extra warranty that Costco offers. Costco will not cover physical damage, but you will be glad you did as opposed to taking the TV down from the wall or having to pay out of pocket for a repair.
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A Damaged TV Screen
No1 Cause ► Improperly moving a TV. Don't move your TV If you can help It. If you believe the TV has an issue and it is wall mounted, don't take it down from the wall. Call our Tech Support with your TV Make & Model number. We do free assessments right over the phone. We're always glad to help.
Obvious Physical Issues
If your TV screen is cracked, has a chip, is punctured, has a spider webbing apppearance, appears to look shattered, or was subjected to liquids, then the TV is likely not going to be repairable economically. It is always less money to buy a new TV. We never attempt to fix cracked or damaged TV screens. Nobody else does either.
Cracked Screen
Not Repairable √
Chipped Or Punctured
Not Repairable √
Shattered Appearance
Not Repairable √
Spider Webbing
Not Repairable √
Color Blotches
Not Repairable √
Subjected To Liquids
Not Repairable √
Move the TV • Flex the Panel
It Won't Be Repairable
Move The TV • Flex The Panel
It Won't Be Repairable
ALL Makes
ALL Models
ALL Displays
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